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Gambling Report – May

Posted by on 5.2.23 in Members

May FLOWERS?? Oooohhhh let’s hope!! We sure didn’t get much rain in April, mostly dang snow again.  I feel like I’m writing about the same thing each month just hoping and praying to get into my gardens, it’s like Groundhogs Day, HA! April was a busy month at the lodge.  We held our second successful […]

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Veteran Service May

Posted by on 5.2.23 in Veterans

May is here and let’s hope the snow is done! Happy Spring! I’m excited to announce we have 2 veterans going on the Honor Flight.  Brian Hoag is accompanying his father, Clyde, a Korean Navy veteran and Vietnam Army veteran, Paul Olson is going with daughter Jen Evenson. What a wonderful experience for all of […]

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Posted by on 5.2.23 in ENF Elks News

In 1928, one man’s dream became a reality for all Elks and the communities we serve. Then-National President John F. Malley envisioned a plan that would “unite the forces of the Order into a mighty army for the service of mankind.” During the annual Grand Lodge Convention in Miami that year, Malley’s call to service […]

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Exalted Ruler May

Posted by on 5.2.23 in Members

March and April have had their challenges.  Twice we have postponed meetings that were to include the initiation of new members.  I hope by the end of May we will have initiated all those who have been waiting.   If each of our members volunteers for at least one thing, our lodge will be successful.  We […]

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April ENF News

Posted by on 3.26.23 in Members

Year after year, Elks produce creative solutions for the unique needs of their communities. In the 2022-23 fiscal year, the Elks National Foundation’s Community Investments Program helped Elks implement those solutions with 4,266 Beacon, Gratitude, and Spotlight Grants—the most in the program’s history. Eighty-three percent of Lodges received at least one grant, on average, receiving […]

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Exalted Ruler April Message

Posted by on 3.26.23 in Members

Greetings, April is the start of a new Elks year. I will still be your Exalted Ruler for one more year. All of you have made my first year most rewarding. All our officers, our Trustees, our members, Gambling Manager, and our Bar Manager have worked together to make it a successful year. I also […]

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Gambling Report for April – by Jen

Posted by on 3.26.23 in Members

April = Tax Month = Hopefully warmer weather = Springtime Showers. Happy April members. I don’t know about you, but I’m 150% looking forward to hopefully warmer weather and even springtime showers – taxes – no so much. As I’m writing this we’re receiving our 3rd snowstorm in as many weeks today – March has […]

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Friday Night Meals

Posted by on 3.26.23 in Events, Members

April 7 fish fry. (Good Friday) April 14 (music bingo ). Burgers or breaded pork sandwich. April 21 wings or pizza April 28 Chicken Caesar or shrimp and fries May 5 (cinco de Mayo) taco dinner Then we should be done with Fridays. Bingo is going to continue every Friday, all summer. That is the […]

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Facbook Feed

Posted by on 3.15.23 in Events, Members

[efb_feed fanpage_id=”evelethelks1161″ type=”page” skin_id=”311″ words_limit=”25″ links_new_tab=”1″]

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History in the past

Posted by on 3.5.23 in Members

New Eveleth Elks Lodge to be established soon https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5A%2F09011301   New Eveleth Elks Lodge a sure thing https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5A%2F09051201   Date is set for new lodge https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5A%2F09052601   The day of the Eveleth Elks institution https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5A%2F09052901   Eveleth Elks receives its charter https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5A%2F09072101   Lodge building committee decides to go ahead with new lodge building https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5C%2F22091401   Building bids opened https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/PsImageViewer.jsp?doc_id=fc18a54b-6677-45a2-ae64-057de3f61047%2Fmnhi0031%2F1HMA3T5C%2F22101901   Excavation started […]

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