Exalted Ruler April Message

Supporting our Community and our Members

Jul 27

April is the start of a new Elks year. I will still be your Exalted Ruler for one more
year. All of you have made my first year most rewarding. All our officers, our
Trustees, our members, Gambling Manager, and our Bar Manager have worked
together to make it a successful year. I also need to thank my Administrative
Assistant, and ENF Chair, George Walters for all of his work for our Lodge. We
have been trying to inform everyone about our Gambling Donations that help our
Veterans, Youth, and our community. George has worked tirelessly writing grant
applications resulting in $10,000 in Elks National Foundation Grants to help our
Food Shelf, the Honor Flight, our local foster parents and to pay for all the unpaid
school lunches for the children at the Laurentian School. In addition to Jen,
Lindsay, and George, I want to thank Hammer and Mel Hamalainen for organizing
both our bonspiels and the Wild Bus Trip, which were all fun events. Thanks also
to Tony Jeffries and all the kitchen crews that keep our meals going on Tuesdays
and Fridays. Also Tony and the Trustees spend their time maintaining our
building. And I don’t want to forget Kristin Lindsay and Marnie Ludwig who have
been working hard to drag us into the 21st century by improving our visibility on
the internet. Watch our Facebook page and our new website EvelethElks.org. for
upcoming events.
If you have paid your dues, your card will be in the mail very soon. If you haven’t
paid, try to do so soon because it saves the lodge a lot of money in postage,
sending reminders all year long.
Hope to see you at the Burger Bash on April 1 and at our installation and banquet
on April 2.
Thanks for all you do for Elks,