Category: Members

February ER Message

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

Greetings, January started off with our Elks Doheny Bonspiel. Eighteen teams participated and a good time was had by all. The Trustees are working hard to raise funds for the air conditioning. They held their first spaghetti dinner on January 6 and will hold two more on the first Saturdays of February and March. Please […]

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January ER Message

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

Greetings, I hope all of you have been able to gather with friends and relatives during the holidays. As most of you know I lost three close family members this year. Christmas was the time we always got together. I have many happy memories of our holiday gatherings. We had a wonderful Tom and Jerry […]

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January Gambling Report

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

Happy New Year! 2024 is here already – and we have no snow, crazy, isn’t it? I remember once in my life maybe that we didn’t have snow on Christmas and now this year. I looked in my perennial garden today and I have phlox coming up already – I’d definitely be ok if we […]

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February Gambling Report

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

It’s February already! Boy winter this year has sure been nice to us. Usually by now, I’m so annoyed with snow, ice, cold, etc. I feel like we’re never going to see spring again, but this year, I haven’t had that feeling yet. That’s definitely a nice change. This winter hasn’t been so nice for […]

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March Gambling Report

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

Will March come in like a Lion? Boy I hope not. I’ve sure enjoyed this winter we’ve had. The best part for me has been the decent roads to drive on. I’m constantly driving somewhere for my job, whether it’s close to home or to Chisholm, Hibbing or beyond. Everyday is a new day that […]

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March ER Message

Posted by on 3.3.24 in Members

Greetings, I hope my messages over the last two years have been informative. I have tried to let our members know what is going on in the lodge and encourage each one to participate in some way. George and I have really enjoyed our time with the Elks, volunteering, attending district meetings and conventions and […]

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Building, by Tony

Posted by on 1.1.24 in Members

With heavy hearts, it is our sad duty to announce that our fifty-plus year old club and dance floor rooftop air conditioning unit cooled its last BTU this past September.  It served us well with minimal issues during its lifespan. By today’s standards it was oversized by a factor of at least 2½x from what […]

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December Gambling

Posted by on 1.1.24 in Members

And there you have it, we’re wrapping up yet another year.  HAPPY DECEMBER everyone!  We’ve reached another of my favorite months.  I love all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  The baking cookies and for me lefse, mmmm, one of our favorites.  The decorating, the shopping, the gift giving, the parties, but […]

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December ER Message

Posted by on 1.1.24 in Members

Greetings,  December will be a busy month at the Lodge.  Our Memorial Service will be in Eveleth on Sunday December 3 with lunch at noon and the service beginning at 1:00 pm.   December 1 the Elks will be serving Hot Chocolate at Stuff the Ambulance at the corner of Grant and Jones.  There will […]

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November ER message

Posted by on 11.1.23 in Members

Greetings, The highlight of the Elks Mid-Year Conference held at Breezy Point is always our Friday afternoon activities at the Minnesota Elks Youth Camp across the lake.  This year was no exception.  The weather was beautiful, 68 degree temperatures with just a gentle breeze.  The fall leaves in that area were at their peak.  Our […]

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